Heavy duty post shores DIN EN 1065

Our post shores class A – B – C – D – E external thread are DIN EN 1065 certified

As heavy duty post shores manufacturers, we produce three different classes of props, which vary from the different load capacities:
Class A-B-C, the lightest with variable flow rate; class D with a guaranteed range of 20 kN, and Class E, the most robust with its 30 kN work load capacity.
The DIN EN 1065 shores are used for shoring, re-shoring and renovation.
To meet every need, we can create customized shores for distributors and rental companies.
The DIN EN 1065 shores can be immersion painted with red color (Ral 3009), hot-dip galvanized or electrolytic galvanized.

Heavy duty post shores for shoring and renovation
Heavy duty post shores for renovation



Customized solutions on request

Reinforcement at the base
‘U’ top plate