Props Connection Frames
To realise shoring towers with standard pitch from 0,50 – 1,00 – 1,50 – 2,00 e 2,50 mt
Our connection system is really practical and very easy to use. It enables the implementation of stable shoring towers reducing the quantity of props involved in the setting in the building site.
The aim of our connecting frames is to balance the longitudinal forces involved in the implementation of slabs.
Our system is designed to guarantee the operative flexibility as much as the safety of operators working on the building site. Our framework can be used for the implementation of shoring towers with standard interaxle of 0.50-1.00-2.00 and 2.50mt too, or alternatively, we can supply size specific connecting frames in order to provide a secure fastening with the most common formwork systems on the market.
Our connecting frames are equipped with a hook mechanism and can be coupled with the internal or external pipe prop using a simple hammer.
Our clamps were specifically designed to connect tubes of a diameter from 48.3mm to 88.9mm. They have been tested in every tube diameter (rip test and vertical load test) by the University of Brescia and the results are available to our customers upon request.
Our user -and maintenance manual, specific for the construction site describes the assembly and disassembly operations of frames trough detailed descriptions and images.